Monday, 24 February 2020

3 Signs You Could Benefit from Sildenafil Citrate (Generic Viagra)

Some of those affected may benefit from taking Sildenafil Citrate (generic Viagra). This is a drug that's generally safe and legal to take for anyone so long as they don’t suffer from heart problems and follow the medicine’s guidelines [1]. Sildenafil (generic Viagra) is sold in online pharmacies as well as prescribed by doctors. 
If you’re unsure about the drug, here are a few signs you could benefit from Viagra.
  1. You struggle to get an erection despite the heat of the moment and the clear mutual interest. If this is the case, you might be suffering from erectile dysfunction, and Sildenafil (generic Viagra) could help you.
  2. You struggle to maintain an erection. Erectile Dysfunction might not mean you can never get an erection - it can also show itself in a failure to keep one. You might be able to get an erection, but it is too soft to sustain sex. 

8 Signs You Have an STI

You should regularly get tested and pay special attention to the symptoms of STI’s if you periodically change sexual partners or have unprotected sex. If you’re worried you might have an STI, see a doctor or an online pharmacy that does STI tests and treatments as soon as possible to have it diagnosed and treated. 

Here are a few signs you might have an STI:
  1. You feel pain in your genital region during sex
  2. You have developed lumps, bumps or warts around your genitals
  3. Your genitals are red and sore
  4. You feel pain or burning sensation when urinating
  5. Vaginal discharge has an unusual colour. A yellow or green hue could be signs of gonorrhoea, and you should  be tested to confirm which STI you have and if appropriate, receive gonorrhoea treatment immediately [1]. Gonorrhoea or Clap treatment usually involves an antibiotic shot from a sexual health clinic or oral antibiotics from an online pharmacy. It can quickly help prevent some of the worse symptoms or further effects. Men that experience discharge from their penises should also seek help.
  6. Itching red patches
  7. For women -bleeding irregularly.  If you are bleeding regularly after sex or between your periods, you should visit a Doctor.
  8. You have had unprotected sex with a new sexual partner, or unprotected sex with a regular partner who had sexual contact with others. Some STIs like Chlamydia [2] don’t immediately have any apparent symptoms. Even if you don’t notice any changes, you should get yourself tested whenever you've had sex with any uncertainties involved. 
If you're experiencing any of the above signs, seek medical help as soon as you can. Many symptoms may be caused by something harmless, but it is better to be safe than sorry. You should be especially cautious if you have had unprotected sex recently. If you suspect you might be suffering from an STI, it's also essential to inform any sexual partners whom you might have transmitted the infection to. That way, they too can seek treatment.[1, 2]

[1] Available at: [Cited 3rd of February 2020]

[2] Available at: [Cited 3rd of February 2020]